October 23

Top 7 Places you can visit in South Korea if you are a Tech Enthusiast

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South Korea as many of us know , is one of the most popular countries known for it’s advanced technology and development.

Here are a few places you can visit if you wish to explore the technology more –

  • Incheon International Airport (인천공항공사)


Incheon International Airport is the main transnational field serving Seoul, the capital of South Korea. It’s also one of the largest and busiest airfields in the world.

The field is a leader in tech invention. Here, robots help passengers find their way around the massive complex; photovoltaic panels on the roof keep hotting and ventilation costs down; and tone- service check- in alcoves, tone- bag drop and automated immigration processing make the field experience more flawless than ever.

  • Robot Museum( 로봇 박물관)


Exhibitions invite callers to follow the development of robots, from the foremost models to the largely complex AI designs of moment.

It’s a place where the boundaries of technology are pushed and the world of hereafter is brought to life. What truly makes this gallery special is that it’s erected by a platoon of robots.

It’s end is to support public education and help grow the interest of moment’s youth in this field Callers are invited to explore the vast expansion of the gallery where they an immerse themselves in the world of AI and Robotics. The exhibition is designed to be interactive and engaging offering hands on approach to learning the prayers to take suckers.

  • Samsung D’light( 삼성딜라이트)


Unlike numerous galleries, which generally paint a picture of the history, Samsung d’light enables callers to more imagine the part technology might play in our world in the coming decade and beyond.

Callers can see all the rearmost Samsung consumer electronic products then. The name is a carryall of the words” digital” and” light” to relate with their vision of being a” guiding light to the digital world” and leading consumers to a whole new life through digital technology.

  • Yongsan Electronics Market( 용산전자랜드)


Comprising over 20 structures, casing 5,000 stores that vend appliances, stereos, computers and peripherals, office outfit, telephones, lighting outfit, electronic games and software, vids and CD’s.

The request has a variety of stores, each with di erent operating procedures. Some stores operate like traditional retail shops, with set prices, name brands, and guaranties. Other shops accept, or indeed anticipate, guests to bargain and may not have any posted prices for particulars.

  • VR Plus( 브이알플러스)


Just a many twinkles’ walk down from Gangnam Station’s exit 1, is VR Plus, Korea’s veritably first virtual reality café. Devoted to spreading this new form of entertainment, VR Plus o ers a wide array of virtual gests that guests can try out for free – virtual Ninja Slice being one of them.

The gaming zone is divided into 4 sections VIVE Zone, Oculus Zone, PLAYSTATION VR Zone and the VR Attraction Zone.

  • K- live( 케이라이브)


The world’s first K- pop hologram performance hall lets you witness Korea’s biggest acts on a budget – and your schedule. At K- live, K- pop suckers can transport themselves into a Hallyu fantasy world as they attend holographic musicales of their favorite stars.

  • T.um– SK Telecom( 티움 – SK 텔레콤 홍보관)


Representing SK Telecom’s – one of Korea’s biggest wireless telecommunications drivers – enthusiasm for bringing to life the technologies of the future, T.um invites callers to get a skulk peep of hereafter through themed zones where SK’s state- of- the- art IT technologies are incorporated.

Author : Yashika Apoorva

[email protected]


AI, Places, Robotics, Technology, travel

About the author

Yashika is a young writer interested in Korean Culture and History for a while . Through intensive research over the past few years she understood a lot about the cultural differences and similarities of South Korea with India . All the curiosity started with her interest in kpop and Kdrama which now are not just a part of entertainment for her but also a way to connect with South Korea more.

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