October 27

Art and Design in South Korea

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Art is a popular sector in South Korea. Korean trades generally include penmanship, oils, crockery which are expresses through bold colours and  designs. Art has wide range of history in the country dating back to the BC period.


History of Korean Art


Crockery dated to roughly 7,000 BC has been set up by people and this crockery was made from complexion. numerous exemplifications of Korean Art came from the Silla Kingdom where the handicraftsman were famed for their gold- casting capability which have parallels to Etruscan and Greek ways.

Korean Calligraphy


Korean penmanship is seen as an art where the encounter strokes explain the artist’s personality. Korean paper art is used for architectural purposes like window screens or bottom covering.

Art has been a tradition for expressing and conserving history through paintings, puppets and also through books.

Modern Day Art


In ultramodern days too, South Korea is making a mark on the art world. “ Current character of Korean art is gone much more compared to 10 times ago .“ – says Lee Jung, Director of PKM gallery. Numerous universities have degrees in art and
design tutoring scholars different kinds of art styles both ultramodern and major.



Some of the popular universities which give scholars with art and design education would be Seoul National University, Korea National University of trades, Korea University, Yonsei University, Sungkyunkwan University.

Scholars love to study art and design as it’s delightful to learn about commodity so beautiful and meaningful. It also helps them to learn further about the history of the country. It also helps them produce their own art to express their own passions and display them in galleries.


Galleries are also a popular magnet for both locals and excursionists to appreciate different kinds of art. FRIEZE which is known as one of the largest contemporary art expositions in the world, just opened it’s first edition in Seoul featuring over 110
galleries from over 21 countries.

Numerous further galleries like National Museum of Korea, Seoul Museum of history are conserving and showcasing the art and history of the country.

Younger Generation

Modern day art tends substantially to the youngish generation to express the changes and art styles over the time.

BTS’s leader RM being part of the youngish generation is also interested in art and design, explores different galleries and
galleries to appreciate the work. He keeps visiting several art galleries and has participated his gists and prints from these visits on social media, expressing his seductiveness with the artworks he encounters.


Books and Authors


Books also being a type of art form have a special place in the request. Popular authors like Yi Gwang- su, Kim Young ha, Yi Sang and numerous further have contributed to the trades sector of the country by writing colorful books which are appreciated till this date.

With great artists, great eventuality and tradition South Korea is a booming art scene.

Many people also suggest that Seoul might be catching Hongkong to become Asia’s new art capital . 


Author : Yashika Apoorva

[email protected]


Art, culture, Diversity, Museums, Youth

About the author

Yashika is a young writer interested in Korean Culture and History for a while . Through intensive research over the past few years she understood a lot about the cultural differences and similarities of South Korea with India . All the curiosity started with her interest in kpop and Kdrama which now are not just a part of entertainment for her but also a way to connect with South Korea more.

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