September 23

힌디어 입문: 글쓰기와 자기소개

Written by
Shantanu Dayal Sharan


이 코스는 영어로 있을 겁니다. 구걸로 한국어에 번역해 주세요.

1. Introduction

Hey everyone! Let’s learn about what Hindi is before starting to learn it!

Hindi is an Indo-European language which is closely related to languages like Spanish, English, Persian and French. It descended from Sanskrit with vernacular corruption and admixture of Persian, Dravidian and Arabic influences. It is written in the Devanagari script. 

Like Korean, Hindi is a subject-object-verb language which conjugates verbs according to gender, case and formality. It’s relatively simple for Koreans to learn Hindi grammar, but it becomes difficult when it comes to pronunciation.

2. Why Hindi?

As for Hindi, it is spoken in India and is a well-known language in Singapore, Pakistan, Nepal, Bhutan and Bangladesh due to India’s soft power in South Asia. Knowing and learning Hindi can connect you to a cultural and economic powerhouse, such as India. It can help you understand the deep and interesting relationship between India and the rest of Asia.

Not only that, learning Hindi can simplify learning Bengali and Urdu, which are the official languages of Pakistan and Bangladesh! Learning Bengali is the same difficulty for a Hindi speaker as it is for a Korean speaker. And learning Urdu is as easy as learning Jeju-mal!


3. India: A Fascinating Nation

India is the seventh largest country in the world, and is located in South Asia. It is a peninsular country bound by the Arabian Sea, the Bay of Bengal and the Indian Ocean. And it has the Himalayan mountains in the north, which is the origin of the Ganges, Brahmaputra and Indus Rivers in India. Its capital is New Delhi, and the largest city is Mumbai.

Mumbai, India

4. Devanagari

Devanagari is completely separate from Hangul or the Alphabet. When we write Hindi, we have consonant characters and vowel characters are made on them, and after making one syllable, a line is drawn to complete the syllable.

Example:  क + ओ = को

Indian consonants are divided into categories depending on where the sound is produced.

4.1 Consonant Sounds


Velar sounds are formed when the tongue pushes back on the inner-p

art of the roof of the mouth.

क: ㄲ

ख: ㄲㅎ

ग: ㄱ

घ: ㄱㅎ

ङ : ㅇ



Palatal sounds are formed with the space between the teeth and the roof of the mouth, the palate.

च: ㅉ

छ: ㅊ

ज: ㅈ

झ: ㅈㅎ

ञ: ㅇ



The Retroflex sounds are formed using the roof of the mouth, as the tongue flicks it.

ट: English ‘T’ Sound

ठ: English ‘Th’

ड: English ‘D’

ढ: English ‘Dh’

ण: ㄴ (Approximately)


The Dental sounds are formed using the teeth.

त: ㄸ

थ: ㅌ

द: ㄷ

ध: ㄷㅎ

न: ㄴ



The Labial sounds are formed using the lips.

प: ㅃ

फ: ㅍ

ब: ㅂ

भ: ㅂㅎ

म: ㅁ



य: English ‘Y’

र: English ‘R’

ल: 쌍ㄹ or English ‘L’

व: English ‘V’

श: English ‘Sh’

ष: Chinese ‘X’ or English ‘Sh’

स: ㅅ

ह: ㅎ


Foreign Sounds:

Foreign Sounds are the phonemes which have been borrowed by languages like Persian, Arabic, English or Turkish. They are not native to Hindi.

क़: ㄲ (Approximately)

ख़: ㄲㅎ (Approximately)

ग़: ㄱㅎ (Approximately)

ज़: English ‘Z’ sound

ड़: English ‘D’ sound (Approximately)

ढ़: English ‘Dh’ Sound (Approximately)

फ़: English ‘F’ Sound

4.2 Vowel Sounds

अ: 아 (क)

आ: Long 아 (का)

इ: 이 (कि)

ई: Long 이 (की)

उ: 우 (कु)

ऊ: Long 우 (कू)

ए: 에 (के)

ऐ: 애 (कै)

ओ: 오 (को)

औ: 어 (कौ)

अं: ㄴ (कं)

ऑ: 어/아 (काॅ)


4.3 Half Sounds

Sometimes to combine consonants into one sound, we use the half consonant system. 

Example: क् + य = क्य, अ + र् + क = अर्क

5. Introducing Yourself

Important phrases to keep in mind! Note: Like in Korean, all of the following phrases are in the Hindi version of 존댓말, used with elders, strangers, etc.

• नमस्कार। (안녕하십니까?)

• धन्यवाद। (감사합니다 )

• शुक्रिया। (고맙습니다 )

• मुआफ कीजिए। (죄송합니다)

• आपका नाम क्या है? (이름이 무엇 입니까?)

• मेरा नाम ____ है। (제 이름은 ____ 입니다)

• आप कहाँ से हैं? (어디에서 왔습니까)

• मैं कोरिया से हूँ। (한국에서 왔습니다)

• ये कितने का है? (이거에 얼마예요?)

• ये दे दीजिए। (이걸로 주세요)

• आप कितने साल के हो? (몇 살 입니까?)

• क्या आपको अंग्रेज़ी आती है? (혹시 영어로 말씀할 수 있습니까?)

• मुझे सिर्फ़ थोड़ी-बहुत हिंदी आती है। (저는 힌디어 조금만 말씀 할 수 있습니다)

• यह क्या हैं? (이것 무엇입니까?)

• ये ___ है।  (이것은 ____ 입니다)


Devanagari: An Overview

Q1: Try combining the following vowels and consonants

1. आ + क + आ + श (하늘)

2. ह + म + ए + श + आ (영원, 항상)

3. क़ + इ + त + आ + ब (책)

4. क् + य + आ (무엇)

5. ब + इ + स् + त + र (침대)

Q2: Write a short introduction of 3-4 lines of yourself with the phrases you learned above. Write your name in Devanagari!

Q3. Try locating the countries of India, Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka on the map of Asia!

Further Studies:

Author: Shantanu Dayal Sharan 

([email protected])


Hindi, korean, Language, 언어, 힌디어, 힌디어 배우기

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